Jade in culture

In Chinese Culture
It has been worn and revered for thousands of years, and, for a long time, was reserved only for royalty. Wearing Jade was believed to bring good luck and prevent harm from befalling the wearer. Jade has been an important part of Chinese culture since ancient times. No stone is more significant in Chinese culture than Jade, featuring in their mythology, religion, philosophy, folklore, social life and art. Ancient Chinese culture depicts Jade as a religious object, representing wisdom and a treasure of a king. Coined as the “Stone of Heaven”, Jade possessed the power to ward off evil, protecting the owner from bad luck. The character for Jade (玉) looks very similar to the character for king (王) and is to represent the connection between the earth and the heavens. It was believed to grant many health benefits and preserve bodies after death, so some even consumed powdered jade in their food and drinks.

In Maori Culture
The Maori people of New Zealand also revere Jade (or greenstone, as it is often called in New Zealand), and the use of it has been traced back as far as the 12th century. Due to its strength, it was often made into weapons, but was also used for jewellery. In Maori culture, they believed that by working a piece of Jade into a pendant, they were putting some of their life force, or “manna”, into the piece, and therefore they would strengthen one-another by exchanging pendants.

Spiritual Properties
Jade is a symbol of purity and serenity, signifying wisdom gathered in tranquility. Associated with the heart chakra, increases love and nurturing. It is a protective stone, keeping the wearer from harm. It is believed to attract good luck and friendship. Jade releases negative thoughts as it soothes the mind. Jade removes toxins, rebinds cellular and skeletal systems, heals stitches, and balances the fluids within the body. It assists fertility and childbirth. Green jade calms the nervous system and channels passion in constructive ways. Green jade can be used to harmonize dysfunctional relationships.


Chinese jade carving

New Zealand

New Zealand Maori Jade Tiki pendant


Green jade lotus bracelet, Buddhist prayer beads